Home Learning
Kiwi Syndicate
Regular reading at home is critical for developing your child's literacy. Ideally you will read with and to your child daily. Books that come home in your child’s book bag have been read in reading group time with the teachers support. Your input at home plays a huge role in your child’s reading success. You can expect books Monday through Thursday, and a poem home on Friday. Books stay in the book bag for a week in order for them to be revisited. In addition to reading you may get word rings to work on together. These will assist your child to build their visual memory for some of the most common words. A fun game to play with word rings is “Goodies and Baddies”. Take the words off the ring and put them in piles. If it is a known word it is a Goodie, an unknown word is a Baddie. We encourage you to talk about the learning that has happened at school, a great prompt for this is the posts you receive via Seesaw. Practising basic facts and number knowledge is also beneficial for your child's mathematical development. At the bottom of this page is a booklet with the skills and suggested activities to help your child build their number knowledge.
Pūkeko Syndicate
Students should read independently, with others or be read to regularly. It is expected that students will read each night. We encourage students to work on basic facts and number knowledge. Basic facts will be assessed throughout each term. Practising basic facts and number knowledge is beneficial for your child's mathematical development. At the bottom of this page is a booklet with the skills and suggested activities to help your child build their number knowledge. Children will be encouraged to work on spelling and writing regularly, perhaps using their Google Docs. Some teachers may send home additional topic or unfinished work if required. We encourage you to talk about the learning that has happened at school, a great prompt for this is the posts you receive via Seesaw.
Kererū Syndicate
It is expected that students will read or go on Epic or Read Theory regularly. Students can read independently, with others or be read to. We encourage student to work on basic facts and number knowledge. Basic facts will be assessed throughout each term. Practising basic facts and number knowledge is beneficial for your child's mathematical development. At the bottom of this page is a booklet with the skills and suggested activities to help your child build their number knowledge. Children will be encouraged to write regularly perhaps using their Google Docs. Some teachers may send home additional topic or unfinished work if required. We encourage you to talk about the learning that has happened at school, a great prompt for this is the posts you receive via Seesaw.
Regular reading at home is critical for developing your child's literacy. Ideally you will read with and to your child daily. Books that come home in your child’s book bag have been read in reading group time with the teachers support. Your input at home plays a huge role in your child’s reading success. You can expect books Monday through Thursday, and a poem home on Friday. Books stay in the book bag for a week in order for them to be revisited. In addition to reading you may get word rings to work on together. These will assist your child to build their visual memory for some of the most common words. A fun game to play with word rings is “Goodies and Baddies”. Take the words off the ring and put them in piles. If it is a known word it is a Goodie, an unknown word is a Baddie. We encourage you to talk about the learning that has happened at school, a great prompt for this is the posts you receive via Seesaw. Practising basic facts and number knowledge is also beneficial for your child's mathematical development. At the bottom of this page is a booklet with the skills and suggested activities to help your child build their number knowledge.
Pūkeko Syndicate
Students should read independently, with others or be read to regularly. It is expected that students will read each night. We encourage students to work on basic facts and number knowledge. Basic facts will be assessed throughout each term. Practising basic facts and number knowledge is beneficial for your child's mathematical development. At the bottom of this page is a booklet with the skills and suggested activities to help your child build their number knowledge. Children will be encouraged to work on spelling and writing regularly, perhaps using their Google Docs. Some teachers may send home additional topic or unfinished work if required. We encourage you to talk about the learning that has happened at school, a great prompt for this is the posts you receive via Seesaw.
Kererū Syndicate
It is expected that students will read or go on Epic or Read Theory regularly. Students can read independently, with others or be read to. We encourage student to work on basic facts and number knowledge. Basic facts will be assessed throughout each term. Practising basic facts and number knowledge is beneficial for your child's mathematical development. At the bottom of this page is a booklet with the skills and suggested activities to help your child build their number knowledge. Children will be encouraged to write regularly perhaps using their Google Docs. Some teachers may send home additional topic or unfinished work if required. We encourage you to talk about the learning that has happened at school, a great prompt for this is the posts you receive via Seesaw.
Ways to help at home
You can use the documents below at home to practise some essential knowledge in mathematics and spelling.